Bridge to Nowhere??

Bridge to Nowhere a lie!

In all of the fancy new commercials that McCain and Palin have out you can usually hear how she "stopped the bridge to nowhere"! Wow, what a slogan, right, if she can stop the bridge to nowhere she must be able to do anything, or at least that's what they want you to think. But it should really upset everyone when they give you snid-bits of stories without a hint of truth. A truth that would make the slogan obsolete and idiotic. 

The fact is, that Palin did not stop any bridge. The bridge in question was a $400 million project that was suppose to run from Ketchikan to an island with only 50 residents and an airport. Palin was all for the bridge until she realized it was an embarrassment to her state after federal funding was pulled. So instead she used the bridge money elsewhere, completely flip-flopping her story as she told congress "thanks, but no thanks for the bridge to no where. " Palin abandoned the project and abandoned her fellow Alaskans who thought she was in this fight along side them. 

Sarah Palin-a deer in headlights?

Bush Doctrine? HUH?

I want to start by saying that I don't want to bash Sarah Palin like many people have enjoyed doing since her acceptance as McCain's VP. However, I personally do not think that she is at all fit for the job. I will say that I gave her a chance, watched her acceptance speech that the RNC, and yes...momentarily fell for her strong yet graceful ways.

But, just because you know how to give a good speech does not mean that you should be Vice President. Being the good citizen that I am, I took it upon myself to see who this newcomer really was. I checked into her politics, read the news, and watched her interviews. It was all downhill.

As a women I would love to see another female in the White House, But I think she had let women does with her overly (perhaps even hypocritically) conservative politics and lack of overall knowledge. When asked what she thought of the Bush Doctrine she gave a quizzical expression of unknowing and had to have it explained to her before she could muster together a thought.

So, while I do not want to bash or bad-mouth I do think people need to know the information that is out there because I feel Palin in one of those political hypnotist that could put many people under her spell. 

The Ultimate Sarah Palin is Unfit to be VP list